1. Be Clear About Your Intention
Just like when you look for a job, you have an idea of what type of job you are looking for, where it would be located, or what industry it would be in.
When seeking a mate, know what you want or maybe what you don’t want in a partner. Use these qualities as a guide, not as a rule. 
2. Take Inventory
Look around your home and make an inventory. The inventory should include the things that you find pleasing, and those that you don’t find so pleasing.
Identify those things that invoke a pleasant or not so pleasant emotional response.
Whether it’s that rug you trip on every day, the table you walk into, or the beloved painting that your grandmother did for you. Identify all of these items.
Do the best you can, don’t worry if you have difficulty identifying your response to some of the items.
3. Review Your List
Review your list and identify where those emotions come from. Are they unhappy memories of the past?
Are they a sense of lacking in your life currently? In Feng Shui, there is a tenet “Everything is Alive.”
So if these things were alive, what person in your life would they be? Would you want that person around your home 24×7?
Consider removing those items that don’t bring you a sense of joy.
The items that do bring you joy will be well placed in the areas where you spend the most time so that they are in view frequently.
4. Build Your Vision
Most people are familiar with the use of vision boards: a collage of pictures and statements mounted on poster board and displayed as a reminder of what we want to attract into our life. 
If you had difficulties in the last couple of steps discerning the positive from the not so positive, this step will help. Go back through your inventory list.
Make note of those items that you would select to be included in your vision board. There are going to be some “neutral” items, that’s ok.
The point is to get clear which items support your goal and which items don’t support your vision and gradually work toward removing the non-supportive and replacing with supportive items.
5. Keep Up with Yourself
Another tenet in Feng Shui is that everything is constantly changing. Remember the Yin Yang symbol? That is not a static symbol.
The picture is static, but t
he symbol actually represents constant motion.
That is what life is, constant motion.
So when using Feng Shui in your home, you may want to make frequent adjustments to keep up with yourself.
As you, your life, and your vision evolve, you will want your environment to evolve with you.
An environment that is stagnant is an environment that drains rather than supports.
Keep your environment evolving with you and your visions.
6. Clear Your Clutter
Clutter can be Active or Stagnant. Active clutter is all those works-in-progress projects you will get around to finishing. Stagnant clutter is negative and produces negative energy. 
7. Bring in Love
Now that you’ve done an inventory and cleared your clutter, you’ve created a powerful foundation to build your vision upon. There are many Feng Shui tips for the bedroom and living room.
Some of the most common are:
– Bring in things that you’d have in your home if you were with your ideal mate
– Place decorative items in pairs to represent being in a couple
– Hang pictures that represent love, relationships or romance
– Reserve the bedroom for sleeping and romance only
Follow these Feng Shui tips and your home will be your vision board, helping you attract your ideal mate.
Good luck