Well what a few weeks it’s been in London.  We’re only just getting over the excitement of the Jubilee celebrations, closely followed by the wonderful Olympic torch tour which went right past our window here in Windsor and then the unbelievable 2 weeks of the games themselves. It’s been inspiring, emotional, historic and exhausting – memories and emotions to remember for the rest of our lives.

Sadly though events such as these, whilst wonderful, can only reinforce how hard it is for some who  don’t have that someone special to share those memories with. Laughing with friends about the antics of Mo Farrar or Usain Bolt is one thing, but sharing that special glance with a partner can enhance the experience 10 fold. Which is why it’s so rewarding for us when we are able to introduce people to each other and a wonderful relationship begins, and we’ll never tire of hearing  anecdotes about how their lives have developed after leaving us and the wonderful experiences they’ve shared as a result.