When couples first get together it’s understandably easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of romance and planning for the future, so it’s not unusual for us to find out months, sometimes years later that our efforts to introduce people have been successful. Imagine our delight therefore, when we received a lovely card and pile of wonderful family photos from Paul and Anna. We couldn’t resist letting you in on the note….

Dear Karen and Debbie

Oh dear, a very belated, but heartfelt thank you from us both for our introduction. We had our first date on 16th November and our beautiful baby girl was born 5 years later on 17th November. An absolute dream come true.

I remember visiting your office and leafing through the copious thank you letters you had received, only hoping that I would one day be one of them – and here I am!

Paul and I are so incredibly happy together and really have reached that happy place that we are all looking for.

Thank you for the love and care that you gave us both we will be eternally grateful.

Paul and Anna xx”

We can’t guarantee that everyone will find their ‘happy ever after’ but we will do all we can to help you try.