It was so good to talk to you this morning Karen. All those memories of years ago came flooding back! Glad you like the wedding photos and we will forward one on to you as soon as we get them from the photographer.
So here’s our story for your blog.
I met Karen who had just started Sara Eden in 1988, I was one of those first members she actually interviewed at her house before moving to commercial offices. I can still remember her lounge and the green sofa I sat on. I instantly felt at ease as we looked through suitable matches for me to meet, as well as deciding on which photos of me we should use.
She really understood what I was looking for in a partner. I had a great time and went out with a whole host of different men which meant that I was in the right place when Phil joined months later.
We had been together 25 years when suddenly in February he got down on one knee and proposed. The time was right for us to get married. No parents to ask permission from, so we eloped to Gretna Green and got married in the original Blacksmiths Shop on 31st March 2014. We arranged it all in 6 weeks!! We had a great time with a handful of good friends and family. As you said on the phone today, better late than never and we are just so happy I want to share this with the world.
Keep up the good work.

Love Marion