In the run up to our 30th Anniversary celebrations we have been doing some more reminiscing about years gone by. Our first national newspaper centre page spread was in the Express.
When I started Sara Eden in 1988 I did so because it was difficult to meet like-minded professionals of the opposite sex because we were all working so hard.
Some early articles had focused on how attractive the Sara Eden members were. I wanted to get across that, yes, many of them were attractive but they were also professional and ultimately a long-term partner.
Carole Malone was the journalist writing the article, in those days we didn’t have the internet so I had no real way of researching anything about her. I was ready to stand my ground to ensure she didn’t focus too much on the “Beautiful people” image.
Then in walked this very attractive, single, young, Fleet Street reporter who immediately got it – she completely understood the Sara Eden mission.
Attached is the photograph which appeared, from left to right David, Alison, Josu, Colin, me sitting in the middle then Kerri and Debbie.