Welcome to this bleakest of months…all those new year resolutions are starting to lose their charm…but love is in the air this month!
As you would expect, at Sara Eden we very much look forward to Valentine’s Day on February 14th, that special day dedicated to love and all things romantic. But how can one day be enough? We say make room for romance every day.
Dating Tip
If you’re nervous on a date it’s fine to say so, as long as you say it in a light hearted way. It’s likely the other party is just as nervous as you are and will visibly relax. Meeting someone for the first or second time is nerve wracking but remember it is not a test – just be the best you can be. If it doesn’t work out that is only one person’s opinion of you!
It is National Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th – selflessness is very attractive………
Looking forward to finding you the perfect match…..xx