Twelve of the best Christmas date ideas to take your date on over the festive period.

  1. Visit a Christmas market, drink some mulled wine or hot chocolate whilst strolling through the festive stalls.
  2. Find a Christmas Ice skating rink. Spend the evening holding hands and skating to the sound of “Jingle Bell Rock”.
  3. Enjoy a day out shopping for Christmas decorations. Buy each other a special bauble to remember your first Christmas together.
  4. Take your date to listen to a Christmas carol concert – another excuse to share more mulled wine!
  5. Enjoy a cosy night in watching a Christmas movie whilst snuggling up on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate (or even more mulled wine) and a plate of mince pies.
  6. Go shopping to buy each other a Christmas jumper to wear on Christmas day.
  7. Play some old fashioned board games whilst drinking even more mulled wine.
  8. Go and look at the Christmas lights together.
  9. Spend the day window shopping admiring the displays whilst dropping hints about what you would like for Christmas.
  10. Help out at a homeless shelter for the day.
  11. Go to a Pantomime and soak up the Christmas atmosphere.
  12. Share even more mulled wine – hic hic hic!

Love Karen x