Dear Karen
This will probably be the most overdue thank-you letter ever, as I met my husband through your agency 11 years ago!
I wonder if you remember me. I am Tricia Kelly (now Bird), the Irish woman you met whilst on holiday with your family in Barbados, Easter 2003.
Having been divorced a few years earlier I was enjoying a solo, kids free holiday and I have wonderful memories of that trip. I remember meeting you most days on the beach and over the course of the holiday getting to know you and feeling comfortable enough to share my story with you. It wasn’t until the end of the holiday that you shared what your business was and much to my delight that you’d have no problem finding a match for me through your agency.
Well….. you were right! You did. Within 6 months of joining, I met Simon Bird. It was love at first sight for both of us when we met in February 2004. In December 2006, we had a beautiful baby together. He is called Jamie and is 8 years old now. By then I was 45 years old!
We moved from London to a small village on the Edge of Dartmoor in Devon (Simon’s home county) in 2007 and successfully re located our family.
Finally, when we found time, we were married in our village church on 3rd May 2008. It is the happiest of marriages and we have a very close family life. None of this would have happened without you Karen and your wonderful agency. We feel very blessed and I am so grateful to have met you.
Warmest wishes
 Tricia X