1. People flirt to bond or to express sexual interest. Flirting is a universal and essential form of human interaction.
  2. Flirting is a series of non-verbal and verbal actions we do when expressing our interest in or attraction to another person. It is playful, non-threatening, and sometimes subconscious. It’s about displaying and reading body language.
  3. Researchers have identified five general styles of flirting: 1) physical, 2) traditional (men should make the first move), 3) polite (both less likely to approach a potential partner), 4) sincere, and 5) playful (flirting for fun). Those with physical, sincere, and playful styles have more dating success, though each is effective depending on what the goal of flirting is.
  4. Within general styles of flirting are over 52 specific “flirting signals.” For women, the most common is the hair flip.
  5. Studies show that women initiate flirting 90% of the time. Although men seem to do most of the pursuing, they actually do so because they perceive that women invited their advances through flirting.
  6. Common flirting pitfalls include 1) picking the wrong person to flirt with, 2) not knowing how to approach, 3) worrying that something awful will happen, and 4) not accurately reading the signals from the other person.
  7. Researchers suggest women wear red-hued lipstick while flirting. A Manchester University study tracked the eye movements of men and found that they looked at red lips for 7.3 seconds and pink for 6.7 seconds.
  8. A study in the journal Social Influence found that ladies were more likely to give out their phone numbers to guys who flirted with them on sunny days as opposed to cloudy days. Researchers say people may be in a better mood on sunny days or men may be better flirters in good weather.
  9. The most attractive people are not necessarily the ones who receive the most attention. Instead, people who are the most effective flirters usually attract the most attention.
  10. Men have 10–20 times more testosterone than women and, consequently, are more likely to view interactions in terms of sex. Men, therefore, more than women tend to misread flirting signals and mistake friendly behavoir for flirting.
  11. Research suggests that to be a brilliant flirt, a person needs to approach it as though they can’t fail. Flirting is about attitude. 
Happy Flirting!