Our gift to Harry and Meghan will be a donation to Crisis.
Having had our Sara Eden head office in Windsor town centre for 30 years now I am saddened by the number of homeless people living rough on our streets. I am not talking those who are drunk or taking drugs, I am talking about young people who literally have no place to go. Take the plight of Wayne who can be seen every day sitting outside M&S in Windsor. In foster care and children’s homes since the age of one. Once he reached the ripe old age of 18 left to fend for himself. With no fixed abode he can’t claim benefits or get a job. A lovely young man with a story to tell and a very dry sense of humour. I always have a chat with him and get some food etc. for him. Recently when I did he said he had something for me. He gave me a voucher for a £12 meal for a restaurant in Windsor someone had given him. I naturally declined as I said he could do with a good meal. He then said “They wouldn’t serve me the way I look” but also with a glint in his eye he continued… “I am not a great lover of Thai food anyway!”. I had to accept. To be homeless and still have a sense of humour. Well done Wayne.
A great charity for Harry and Meghan to suggest. Looking forward to an amazing day on 19th May.
Karen xx