Oh well what a surprise Katie Price is getting divorced again! Now although I do admire Katie for all she has achieved, I do feel she rushed (or rather ran full speed) into her marriage to Alex Reid. The mother of three is said to have told friends the 11 month marriage is definitely over, adding that Alex had changed from an ‘ordinary man’ to a ‘fame hungry sponger’. Surely this can’t be a complete surprise to her – it’s no surprise to anyone else. Katie is also said to have told friends that she ‘regretted’ ever marrying cage-fighter Alex: ‘I look back and regret the marriage with all my heart. I convinced myself I was in love but looking back I probably wasn’t.’ Of course not Katie! In the 23 years I have run Sara Eden and been a full time Matchmaker one thing I ALWAYS tell people is whatever they do, DON’T rush into a  full scale long term relationship when you have just come out of one – it will only end in tears! You need to have time to mourn the passing of a relationship before you are ready to move on. So my advice to Katie Price would be to have some time on your own and enjoy time with your children before  moving on to the next man.