As we approach our 30th Anniversary more stories of the past.
The date was 20th November 1992, we were filming a documentary for the BBC and I looked out of a top floor window and saw smoke. I jokingly said “Looks like the Castle is on fire” we all laughed, not for a moment believing it to be true.
Ten minutes later our milkman came in and told us the Castle was indeed on fire!
Our film crew were the first on the scene and were extremely grateful for being in Windsor, filming us as they got exclusive coverage of the initial stages of the fire starting.
It was a busy time for me too as I was press officer for the Windsor Chamber of Commerce and did countless interviews for the world media in the days following the fire, repeating time after time that “The Castle had not burnt down completely and Windsor was open for business as usual “.
See below two photographs taken from our office as the fire started.
