By the time we hit our 60’s we are ready to be free. Free from mortages, work pressures and the responsibility of children. But sixtysomethings are also breaking free of their marriages as well.

In fact, silver separations, as they are known have risen dramatically in the past few years. More than 11,500 over 60’s were granted a divorce in 2009 – a leap of 4 per cent in two years. By 2010, the latest figures available, the splitting 60’s had shot up to 14,564.

The reason apparently is because after years of unhappy marriage they can finally afford to!

A recent survey found that a third of sixtysomethings believed their finances were in the best order they had ever been, compared with only 23 per cent of those in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.

Now I know the reason why at Sara Eden we have seen such a huge surge in men and women in their 60’s joining us.

Happy days
