Another success story for Angela.

We have Charlotte and Saeed’s permission to include this in our Blog and success stories and they have promised to keep us up to date with events!   Charlotte  > Sent: 18 December 2014 21:38 > To: angela > Subject: >  > Hi Angela >  > Not sure if you remember me it has been a…

Another success story……

Dear Angela, Just a quick note to thank you for your kind help in matching us. We celebrated 6 wonderful months together with a weekend in Bruges and are very much enjoying getting to know each other. We’re both very glad that we joined Sara Eden. Matt had one week left on his membership and…

Why short men make better husbands.

Continue reading the main story Short men make better husbands, and make up in wisdom what they lack in stature, according to a pair of sociologists from New York University. The paper states that short men make have stable marriages. It says they marry late but when the do they tend to stay happily married.…

Going on hold very quickly!

This just goes to show love can be staring you in the face and you just don’t know it. I would like to thank Jonathan and Loraine for allowing us to use their story and real names. As business partners who had found themselves single after divorce they both decided to join Sara Eden and…

Find your perfect match!

It seems birds of a feather really do flock together. Husbands and wives are more similar to each other than would be expected by chance, research has revealed. The finding comes from behavioural scientists who compared the DNA of more than 800 married couples with that of people paired together at random for the study. Despite…

Better late than never!

It was so good to talk to you this morning Karen. All those memories of years ago came flooding back! Glad you like the wedding photos and we will forward one on to you as soon as we get them from the photographer. So here’s our story for your blog. I met Karen who had…

Another success story for Sara Eden…..

Hi Mary Thank you for your email. I’m actually in a relationship with someone I met through Sara Eden at the end of last year and so I am no longer interested in meeting anyone. Shaun was planning on emailing his contact there so that you can add the number to your successful introduction numbers!!…

Valentine's day…

  Valentine’s Day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards to each other. Happy Valentine’s day. Karen 

The happy and the sad.

Thank you David for recently sending us the lovely letter below. Dear Karen I write to thank you for the very warm reception which I received from Debbie when I visited your office on Saturday. Debbie was very helpful and encouraging to me as we discussed my current personal situation following the death of Anna…

Celebrating 25 years of Successful relationships!

We are 25 years old this month – our Silver Anniversary! Over this time we have been responsible for countless long-term relationships, many leading to marriage. Debbie and I have just been reminiscing about years gone by and here are just three of our memorable events. Our first wedding that we are aware of was Malcolm and Vicki…

Thank you Pim and Lyn!

We were delighted to receive the email below recently wishing us a happy 25th Anniversary. Pim and Lyn have also given us permission to share their happiness in our blog.   ” Thought you might like a picture of the Oldies Karen!  Pim is 67 this year and I am 65 and you actually introduced us 23 years ago! …

Playing Hard-To-Get can really work!

When looking for love, playing hard-to-get may really work. Pretending not to be interested in a potential partner to increase your desirability is gaining some scientific support:  A new study suggests that if you want a serious relationship, it pays for men and women to be hard-to-get.According to the research, one potential benefit of playing…