Another Success for Sara Eden!

Dear Karen I called your office last week to get some information about Sara Eden for a friend of mine as I wanted to recommend your agency to her. I’m not sure who I spoke with but I did say I had met my husband through Sara Eden and mentioned we had sent you a…

Still going strong!

Hi Mary, I hope things are going well for you, the beginning of your year has been a good one and you are looking forward to springtime!! I wanted to let you know that since end September I have been seeing Gerry B ( have I told you that already)? It has developed into a…

Thank you John for this lovely letter…..

Dear Karen I thought you should know how impressed I’ve been with your agency, your professionalism and the service you offer. I have joined dating sites and an expensive London based agency in the past but your agency is really amazing! Somehow you have managed to work your magic with me. Behind your discrete office doors, you,…

What lovely New Year news!

After over a year together David and Louise split up at the end of September – he wanted to re locate to the coast – she didn’t. What fantastic news we have just had in the form of an email from each of them. See below (we have permission to Blog their fantastic news). Dear…

Another Sara Eden wedding today!

After being introduced by Sara Eden 24 years ago Chris and Jacqueline are finally getting married at Canterbury Register office today at 10.30 am. Thank you so much for sharing your good news with us and thank you for the invitation to come to dinner to celebrate your marriage, I can’t wait to see you…

Thank you David and Lindy……

Thank you so much David and Lindy for inviting Debbie and myself to the Waterside Inn in Bray for lunch today. The food was delicious and we really enjoyed your dating stories. And to think David, you nearly turned Lindy down because you didn’t like her photos – well thank goodness we nagged you to…

A brief history of dating……….

A date,” in the context of relationships, reaches back to 1896. It was first used in a newspaper column in which a young man laments that his girlfriend is seeing other people—that they are “fillin’ all my dates,” as in “the dates on her calendar.” At the turn of last century, dating was still a…

Congratulations Marcus and Martha….

Congratulations Martha and Marcus on the birth of your beautiful new baby girl Grace. Thank you also for sending us the photos and allowing us to use them to update your success story.  Dear Karen Thank you so much for your lovely card and the Pandora bracelets for the girls. What a lovely surprise! Marcus…

Three interesting facts.

Men are more attracted to women who possess a bone structure that resembles that of their mothers.  This is known as “sexual imprinting”; which is a term coined by researchers. A strong sense of humour is generally associated with intelligence and honesty.  This is why most women are attracted to men who possess a strong…

Welcome back Brian!

It was 1988 and I was getting nervous as I was about to interview the first potential male client for Sara Eden. Two and a half hours later he joined – way hey our first man! As starting Sara Eden was such a momentous occasion for me I kept his original profile in my desk…